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Did You Just Have a Baby? Ummmm.....No!

I was horrified when someone who had not seen me in a long time asked if I had just given birth!  Nope, as a matter of fact, I have never given birth.  Rude as this was, wow was it a wakeup call to lose some weight. Welcome to my journey.  I have a history of gaining weight, losing weight and gaining it back again.  This last time it came back with a vengeance.  My sob story begins with laziness.  At first it was skipping a few workouts, eating out too much and having too many cheat days.  Eventually everyday became a cheat day and I stopped working out completely.  Then the dark days set in.  I hurt my back in May and was out of work for two months.  I ate and ate and ate and ate.  I lived in sweatpants.  When it was time to go back to work, none of my clothes fit.  This put me into a deeper funk and I ate some more.  I finally got to the point where I was eating a bag of Doritos and a Hershey Bar every single afternoon. Here's the thing about food.  It is comforting.  I feel

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